Objective assessment of service quality
in the gastronomy

Would you like to be able to assess the quality of your service better and more directly? Then simply supplement your subjective assessment with objective measurement data and evaluate these graphically in the reporting tool of getService. It supports you in personnel management.

Graphical evaluation options

When using getService certain parameters are automatically set measured. With the help of the reporting tool, the resulting measurement data can be evaluated graphically. In this way, you receive meaningful data for an objective assessment of the Service quality of your employees

waiter response times

Measurements of waiter response times allow conclusions to be drawn about their speed, as well as the waiting time of the guests

Signal frequency per time unit and table

The evaluation of the signal frequency makes peak and no-load times visible. Furthermore it becomes visible, which tables are occupied more often than others. A combined consideration of all parameters also allows conclusions to be drawn about the load of the responsible personnel to

Anytime overview of all tables →