Increase sales

For a successful increase in sales, you do not need to carry out elaborate online marketing and you do not need a introduce new gastronomy concepts such as joint tasting stations (trays, flights and sharings). Similar positive effects can be achieved by using getServie by using Offer your digitally networked guests a new experience in service quality. Smartphones are omnipresent and therefore open up many new possibilities for the catering trade.

No more orders will be lost

The guest can submit a spontaneous order decision directly and does not have to spend a long time looking for of a service technician. The waiting time is shortened, the satisfaction of the guest increases, and his impulsive decision leads - thanks to getService - directly to the Turnover.

Turnover per table and guest increases

As the number of reordered beverages increases, sales per table and per bottle also increase. Guest

example calculation for 1 local with 20 table cube
More new customers

By providing the innovative table cubes from Qsignal ®, more guests will be interested in your restaurant and the "system", which has a positive effect on your sales impact.

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